Research at the Munich School for Data Science has many facets
Top Location for Computational Sciences
The Munich School for Data Science MUDS, the Technical University and the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich as well as the Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) have joined forces with the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) to form an internationally visible and highly attractive research network. MUDS also cooperates with the Leibniz Computing Centre (LRZ) and works with Roche Penzberg, Boehringer Ingelheim, Munich Leukemia Lab (MLL), and other industry partners to promote application-oriented doctoral projects in biomedicine.
113Doctoral researchers are currently conducting research at MUDS
This makes MUDS the one of the six Data Science Schools with the most doctoral researchers. 73 of them are associated researchers.

MUDS in portrait
Research at MUDS
Read our school report Burning for Research: Doctoral Studies at MUDS and get an idea of the largest data science graduate school in our network.

The goal of MUDS is to train the next generation of Data Scientists at the intersection of data science and four different application areas through a structured PhD program: Life Sciences, Medicine and Health, Earth Observation, and Robotics. Although the specific research questions in these four domains are different, all feature both purely data-based and model-based research approaches. The training at MUDS aims to explore new ways to combine these two poles.
Research Areas
- Life Sciences
- Medicine and Health
- Earth Observation
- Robotics
You can get an insight into current doctoral projects here.
"Research at MUDS is great: I can learn from people in other fields and get ideas that I can also apply to biology."
Funding and Duration of the Programme
The program extends over four years and offers continuous funding. The remuneration corresponds to the conditions for doctoral contracts of the respective partner institution and is based on the TVöD or TV-L.
Application and Further Information
We open application calls twice per year. The MUDS location and thus the location for all courses is Munich. The programme language is English. The programme starts every winter semester, the application phase takes place annually in autumn and in spring/early summer.